Things have been pretty quiet around here lately at the Happy Gland Ranch—we’re slowly putting the next album together and just got back from Austin where we played our very first house concert. It was a great show and we can’t wait to do more! If you want us to play at your house, let us know for sure. Email me at and we’ll chat. 😉
Plus, I’ve been in yogaland, getting my 200 hour yoga teacher training completed and looking for places to teach regularly. 😉
I wanted to let you know about a show I have coming up with two lovely ladies: Meredith Wilder and Kristina Jacobsen. It’ll be…drum roll please…the second ever house show I’ve done! It’s bound to be a sweet, tender, funny, intimate little songwriter in the round show (i.e. not a Happy Gland Band show, lol!).
Please email me ( to RSVP, and I’ll send you the address to Kristina’s house in the South Valley where the concert will be held.
Watch the preview video! (highly recommended!)
Please join us for THE SONGS OF SUMMER
Kristina Jacobsen
Meredith Wilder
Sage Harrington
Saturday May 28
(hey, that’s next weekend!)
Please arrive at 6pm, music goes from 7-8:30pm-ish
Please RSVP ( and I’ll send you the address!
This is a donation-based concert. Please come prepared to make a donation to the artists after the show.
Lots of love,