Fantastically Fabulous Fundraising Fling for Sage and Jared’s Happy Gland Band’s first record, “Flooded Away”

It’s happening Sun Sept 29 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. at Hyder Park. Yes, it’s true. Sage and Jared will be hosting a flipping phenomenally fun family-friendly afternoon in the park in anticipation of our first recording as a duo. We’ve been working on this record all summer long, and now while we wait for its imminent pressing… Continue reading Fantastically Fabulous Fundraising Fling for Sage and Jared’s Happy Gland Band’s first record, “Flooded Away”

A new recording in the works

That’s right, folks. Sage and Jared’s Happy Gland Band is making a record, in the midst of summer fun time, swimming pool time, sunblock application, gardening, driving all across town like crazy people, and collecting more ukuleles, namely, a vintage Martin uke from the ’20’s (seriously? can’t believe it) that now holds the only ukulele-shaped… Continue reading A new recording in the works