November News

Sage and Jared and soap and tote bag.

Jared Putnam and I, as I may have mentioned once or twice or a few times before, had a party a couple weeks ago (for our brand-new, baby-fresh, super soft, extra delicious CD).

Please enjoy this here photo essay – it tells of how our last couple weeks have been. Fun, full of music, and full of moving boxes.

Up the Holler at our party.
You can buy these at our shows.
Laundry time at CD release.
Table of merchandise and pilsner.
Instrument pile of doom.

After the party, we moved across town. This place is full of boxes and instruments. We don’t even know what to do with them all. They’re all hanging out in a giant pile in the music room, which is not functioning as a music room quite yet – only as a sort of island of mostly unusable space. I think we have a problem.

Also, I have unspeakable ukulele lust. Please, no one let me buy another ukulele. Remind me of the ukulele pile, please. Please. Try harder, it’s not working, because I’m going out later to (maybe) buy another ukulele. A tenor, I don’t have one of those yet.

Then Jared went to Kazakhstan to play dirty filthy mangy jazz with his band. I didn’t go to Kazakhstan. I took a walk with tiny wild bosque dogs.








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